We’re looking to organize our GB100 efforts a bit by finding a few “reps” for each grad class.
Reps will:
(1) try to connect w/other classmates,
(2) invite fellow GBers to take part in our GB100 activities, and
(3) help with brainstorming/planning activities.
(2) invite fellow GBers to take part in our GB100 activities, and
(3) help with brainstorming/planning activities.
Ideally 2 co-reps/class but more would be welcome, possibly rotating every 6-12 months.
Preference if you were active during your high school days (e.g. student council, yearbook, extracurricular activities, etc.) and/or have been taking part in our GB100 activities (e.g. Alumni Re-Connects).
Interested? Drop us a line via our Comments/Questions Page.